
The 2012 Daily Bible Reading Challenge

Do you need an easy-to-follow plan for reading your Bible every day?  If so, let me suggest "The 2012 Daily Bible Reading Challenge."  By clicking on the link, you can learn all about it, and print the instructions and the reading guide.

Basically, it entails reading individual books of the Bible from beginning to end, one chapter per day.  Who can't do that?  The challenge is designed to provide balance in your reading, alternating between Old and New Testaments, and incorporating selections from each of the 10 categories of Biblical writings.  (i.e. law, history, wisdom/poetry, major prophets, minor prophets, gospels, church history, Paul's letters, general letters, apocalypse)  

Check it out, and see what you think.  If you don't like this plan, find another one!  For those of us who claim to be followers of Christ, it is imperative that we're in the Word every day.