
Back from Bama

Well, we are back home from Gulf Shores, Alabama.  It was good trip.  The girls really enjoyed the beach.  The boys didn't like the ocean quite so much, as I'm sure the waves seemed pretty big and vicious to their little minds.  But even they had a good time playing in the sand.  We were a little apprehensive about how our condo would be, as it was one of the cheaper ones.  But it turned out to be quite adequate.  On the way home we took an alternate route, taking I-65 north through Montgomery and Birmingham, AL.  It was a tad longer than going up I-55 through Mississippi, but it was definitely a more interesting drive.  North Alabama was actually very pretty.

oing on vacation with four little ones will definitely test your patience (especially the last 2-4 hours of the drive home).  Nothing happens fast.  Even the smallest things (i.e. bathroom breaks) take a long time, but it's worth it.  (And Dad needs to work on his patience anyway.)  The only bad thing about vacation is coming home with more weight and less money.  Can't do much about the latter, but I will need to get back to work on the former!

I am taking one more week away from church, and will do a little fishing and catching up on things around the house.  It has been a marathon summer for me.  In the last six weeks I have been to Montana, Chicago, New Orleans, and Alabama.  Now it is time to get back into routine.  But routine is good in its own way too.  We are blessed.  God is good.