
A Fulfilling Day

It has been a fulfilling Lord's Day.  Let me share a testimony of today's blessings:

1)  A father and his grown son came forward together in this morning's worship service to make public professions of faith.  I was privileged to lead them in the sinner's prayer together.  It was a powerful moment.

2)  I preached on physical intimacy in marriage in both services today.  God blessed, and it ended up going pretty well.  I love the challenge of teaching God's Word, and helping people apply it to their life.

3)  We promoted today as "Choir Sunday" and set a goal of filling every chair in the choir loft.  (30 chairs)  And we met our goal!  I know it sounds like a small thing, but it was a boost to the morale of the church.

4)  A new family visited our church today.  We are blessed at Selmore to have guests almost every Sunday.

5)  At our church council meeting tonight, we approved a purpose statement (based on the Simple Church concept) to present to our church for adoption. We will be introducing it to the church this coming Sunday.  I am excited about this, and believe it will be a great thing for our church to rally around.

Since I got home from church tonight, I watched the end of the super bowl, put in 20 minutes on the treadmill, and (obviously) updated my blog.  Now it is time for bed.  Thank you, Lord, for a good day.