
Emerging Adulthood

Al Mohler writes in his blog today about the phenomenon known as "emerging adulthood."  (Or as it's known by its slang term, "failure to launch.")  Both of these terms describe the growing number of young adults in their 20's who can't seem to bring themselves to leave their parents' home and begin adult responsibilities.

Along the same line, a couple years ago I watched a very interesting piece on television about how colleges and universities are growing frustrated, because college students' parents were calling the university to complain about their child's grades, amount of homework, etc, much as they would in junior high or high school.  If my parents had done this when I was in college, I probably would have dropped out from humiliation and joined the circus.  (To be fair, I may have been to the extreme the other way.  I refused to let my parents even drive me to the campus on move-in day.)

What factors have contributed to this new "category" of adults?  Is it harmful, or does it really matter?  What are the implications of this for the Church?  And what role does the local church have in challenging these young people to get out there and make a contribution to the world and to the Kingdom?

If you get a couple minutes, look at Mohler's blog.  It's a good read.