Find It Here
Several times Rachel and I have been watching television, and have seen another denomination's (or cult's) commercial, and Rachel has turned to me and asked, "Why don't we (Southern Baptists) have commercials?" Well, soon we will...
Beginning in March, Southern Baptists will launch a massive evangelistic campaign that will utilize the theme, "Find It Here." The campaign will target metropolitan areas across the nation (including Springfield, MO) with television ads, radio ads, and billboards, all in an effort to encourage people to attend a Southern Baptist church near their home.
Of course, the ultimate goal is not to make Southern Baptists, but to make disciples of Jesus Christ. So in conjunction with the advertising blitz, every Southern Baptist church is being encouraged to prayer walk their communities in the weeks leading up to Easter, and then extend a Gospel presentation to each household (a pre-printed piece of literature that coincides with the theme), along with an invitation to attend services on Easter Sunday.
In my opinion, this is CP dollars working at their best. Selmore will be taking advantage of this great opportunity. Will your church? You can find out more here.
EDIT: You can also order banners for your church (indoor and outdoor) through outreach.com, that will tie your church to the media campaign.