
Young Leaders Encounter

Rachel and I are at the "Young Leaders Encounter" at FBC-Arnold today and tomorrow. At this event, FBC-Arnold brings 50 pastors under the age of 40 (and our wives) from all around Missouri to their church for mentoring, encouragement, and pampering. FBC-Arnold pays our mileage to come, our lodging, and provides all our meals. They even provide each of the pastors' wives with $100 and a trip to the mall! The only bad part is that I am definitely the least "hip" pastor here. All the other guys have cool, spiky haircuts. (But then "hip" has never been my strong suit!)

FBC-Arnold is pastored by Kenny Qualls. Kenny used to pastor Springhill Baptist Church north of Springfield (a neighboring church to Fender Chapel, my first pastorate) and was a guy I really aspired to be like early in my ministry. It is always good to sit underneath his teaching, as well as some other excellent teachers such as Randy Singer.

To my St. Louis area friends who may read this blog, if you don't have a church home, definitely check out FBC-Arnold. It is a great church.