
From Disaster to Dancing

I recently had the opportunity to hear Pastor Fred Luter, of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans. Before Hurricane Katrina, Franklin Avenue was the largest church in Louisiana with a congregation of over 6,000. After Hurricane Katrina, the church could only account for 1,200 of its members. In time, large numbers of members were found displaced in places like Houston, TX and Baton Rouge, LA. So Pastor Fred began traveling to these cities once a week to shepherd his scattered flock.

When I heard Pastor Fred preach, I was impressed by his love for his people, and also his transparency. He shared of his anger toward God. He couldn't understand why Bourbon Street was relatively untouched, while Franklin Avenue's building was rendered unusable. He couldn't understand why God allowed such tragedy to come upon his people. (Pastor Fred is a native of the ninth ward.) Nevertheless, Pastor Fred and Franklin Avenue kept the faith. And on April 7th, two and a half years after Katrina, they were able to return to their building. You can read about the service here and here. I hope it blesses your heart, as it blessed mine.

My favorite excerpt concerning Pastor Fred's homecoming sermon... "'God gave us favor and here we are today,' Luter said. 'It’s time to celebrate, to worship, to dance!' And Luter showed enough fancy footwork in each service to stir the congregation to new heights of celebration. He said it was the first time he had danced in the pulpit in 21 years and he hoped his deacons would forgive him."

Keep on dancin' Pastor Fred!