
Christians Must be Champions for Life

Like many Americans watching the State of the Union last night, I was struck by the number of congressmen (and particularly congresswomen) who showed visible disdain for the pro-life sentiments expressed by the president. 

It appears that abortion has once again moved to the forefront of the national discussion, and is more polarizing than ever - even crossing over into the realm of infanticide, as we have seen in recent comments from the governor of Virginia.  All this, despite the fact that science (normally revered by the left) increasingly and undoubtedly proves the humanity of the child in the womb.

As organizations such as Planned Parenthood feel threatened by losses of liberal justices on the Supreme Court, they have apparently settled on a strategy of pursuing their agenda through sympathetic state legislatures  (i.e. New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, etc.)  Now, more than ever, Christians must be champions for the sanctity of human life.  The Bible teaches that every human life is sacred, for every man and woman, boy and girl, are created in the image of a holy God (Gen 1:27).